The fearsome TOEFL

I should follow Yuki's reading habits to study.I should follow Yuki's reading habits to study.

Well, I have just paid to reserve a seat to take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) within 3 weeks.

It has been always a new years resolution for me and I think this time I decided to "go to the mattresses" with the test. I know, most of my readers are English speakers but for those who dont know, my mother language is Spanish.

After the registration for the test, you can download a demo of the test, and I realize how tough and difficult this exam is. Im using this book (2008 ver.) to study as well as this one, which you can find in Amazon.

Im really terrified about this test because it isnt as the certification tests I did before. Im taking some time to study but Im not entirely studing that hard. Tell me, have you take this test before? I think it is as hard as the JLPT.


Snark said...

Wow, for a second language, your english is very good! Good luck with your test!

Anonymous said...

I have forgotten about my TOEFL result... And I'm sure I will not do as good as back then if I'm about to take the test now... lol

So anyway, good luck on your test! =D

Anonymous said...

Since you write in English so well and are worried about it, I'd bet a native English speaker would have issues as well.

Phossil said...

@Snark & Kazearashi: Thanks.

@lovelyduckie: Im more worried with the speaking section.

Persocom said...

good luck on the test, you should be able to pull it off if you put your mind to it ^^

Anonymous said...

Good Luck man! Your English is fine enough if im to judge.

Anonymous said...

definitely don't envy you, english is notoriously difficult to learn. best of luck!

Phossil said...

@all: Thanks for your best wishes. 1 week to go now.

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